Cataract Surgery
Specialized surgical procedure using advanced Phacoemulsification technology to remove cataracts and restore clear vision, ensuring patients regain their visual clarity and quality of life.
Specialized surgical procedure using advanced Phacoemulsification technology to remove cataracts and restore clear vision, ensuring patients regain their visual clarity and quality of life.
Advanced surgical interventions for retinal disorders, including retinal detachments, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy, performed by experienced retinal surgeons to preserve and restore retinal health.
Surgical treatments aimed at managing glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure within the eye, helping to reduce intraocular pressure and prevent optic nerve damage that can lead to vision loss.
Corrective surgical procedures to align misaligned or crossed eyes, improving eye coordination, appearance, and depth perception for better visual function and enhanced confidence.
Administration of medication directly into the vitreous cavity of the eye to treat various conditions such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusion, effectively targeting the affected area.
Surgical procedures focusing on the structures around the eye, including eyelids, eyebrows, and tear ducts, aimed at correcting functional or cosmetic issues and enhancing the overall appearance.
Surgical procedures for treating blockages or narrowing of the tear drainage system, known as nasolacrimal ducts, to restore proper tear flow and alleviate symptoms of excessive tearing and eye irritation.
Surgical removal of pterygium, a growth of tissue on the conjunctiva that can affect vision, combined with the transplantation of limbal stem cells to promote healing and reduce the chance of recurrence.
Comprehensive evaluation and management of various eye conditions, including refractive errors, conjunctivitis, dry eye, and other common eye disorders, providing personalized care and treatment options.
Expert fitting and prescription of contact lenses, catering to individual needs and preferences, allowing for clear vision and improved visual comfort without the need for eyeglasses.
Specialized clinic offering diagnosis and treatment for diseases affecting the uvea, the middle layer of the eye, including uveitis, iritis, and choroiditis, providing comprehensive care for these complex conditions.
Assessment, guidance, and provision of visual aids and assistive devices to individuals with low vision, enabling them to maximize their remaining vision and regain independence in daily activities.
Laser procedure performed to create a small opening in the iris, helping to improve the flow of fluid within the eye and treat conditions such as narrow-angle glaucoma.
Laser treatment to remove a cloudy posterior capsule, which may develop following cataract surgery, restoring clear vision and improving visual quality.
Laser therapy for retinal conditions, such as diabetic retinopathy and retinal tears, targeting abnormal blood vessels and promoting retinal stability and health.